Weather and climate
Weather and Climate The basic consideration to distinguish between weather and climate is duration. Alternatively we can say that the difference between weather and climate is measure of consists of the short-term (minutes, days or months) changes in the atmosphere. However, climate is the average weather condition over a long time(years, decades or centuries) and space or region. Weather Weather can be defined by terms given as: temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, brightness, visibility, wind, and atmospheric pressure (as in high and low pressure) and in most places, it can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour and day-to-day. So as definition we can say that the short term atmospheric condition of any place is the weather, which may vary by time-to-time. Weather may restrict transportation services, agricultural activities and other day to day occupations may be affected by weather. We can observe the changes in the weather condition in fre...